There are two distinct horseback riding styles, and one can easily determine the style by viewing the horse saddle. Although there are some people who ride bareback, most horseback riders use a horse saddle from the Western style or the English style. The horse saddle from each style is quite different so there would be no doubt of the style. The horse saddle for Western riding is quite a bit larger than the horse saddle used for English style riding. The Western style horse saddle is used almost exclusively in the United States, but the English style horse saddle is used all over the world.
The Western style horse saddle was originally designed for cowboys working the ranges and this style horse saddle made their work more comfortable although hours on the range are rarely comfortable. The Western saddle is similar to the other major type of saddle because it is constructed on a wooden frame. Some are now made with a frame of fiberglass. Most saddles are then covered with leather in order to provide years of use to the buyer. A Western saddle is usually used with a thick pad to protect the horse. A cinch goes around the belly of the horse to keep the saddle in place.
An English Horse Saddle Is Lightweight For Show And Pleasure
Most people who choose an English horse saddle ride for pleasure or show. Some of these people might use the horse for work purposes, but most ride their horses for enjoyment. Others who use an English saddle ride horses that are highly trained to take part in competitions. These saddles are also usually used with a thick pad between the saddle and the back of the horse to protect the animal. These saddles are fastened around the horse with a cinch that keeps it in place. The size of the English saddle depends on the size of the horse rather than the rider. A saddle should fit properly to protect the horse.
The English saddle is often seen in competitions like the Olympic Games where riders compete in different events on the backs of horses. Some of these competitions require that horses jump over obstacles. There are other competitions where the horses go through a series of intricate steps. These competitions require highly skilled riders, carefully trained horses and continuous practice. The English style saddles are most similar to the saddles used by jockeys for races and fox hunting.